Kramer "Eruption" Treble Double Black Humbucker
Kramer "Eruption" Treble Double Black Humbucker
Developed by Master Luthier Jim DeCola and based on his groundbreaking pickup designs for legendary Kramer artists, the Kramer Eruption is a high-output humbucker™ pickup with all of the Made to Rock Hard tone and attitude you expect from Kramer. They feature Alnico 5 magnets, 4-conductor leads for coil splitting, and short leg baseplates to ensure easy direct replacement for most humbucker-routed guitars. They’re also wax potted to remove all internal air space and any chance of microphonic feedback.
Position: Treble
Magnets: Alnico 5
Wiring: 4-Conductor
Covers: None
Wax Potted
Double Black Bobbins
Average DC Resistance: 15k
Details: Aggressively hot for screaming leads and rowdy rhythm parts, with short leg baseplates for compatibility with most humbucker-routed guitars.